Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am that I am.....

I am woman. I am proud. I am humble. I am grateful.
I am selfish at times, but I give of myself freely.
I am a warrior, though I am as delicate as a rose armored with dew.
I am brown and a bit overweight. I am beautiful. I am a goddess.
I am a Dryad and a Diva at once.
I am a wolf, fierce and strong.
I am an owl, wise and ever knowing.
I am an elephant, ancient and sacred.
I am a mother. I am the Mother.
I am a reflection of you as you are a refection of me.
I am love, ever giving.
I am that I am. Who are You?

The year has just begun, yet so many shifts seem to be taking place. I feel it in my bones, the very structure of my being. Get ready for some major changes in your lives. Greet these changes with love and open arms and know that you are taken care of in every moment!!!

Who would like a chance to win a 'goody bag' filled with things to inspire your life! This goody bag contains books, some yummy 'spirit foods', a beautiful mala, and a meditation guide! For your chance to win, send an email to me telling me about the changes you wish to see in 2010. Any changes you wish whether they be personal or global. Send your entries to by Jan 31st. I will choose a winner from my heart.

(PS) Feel free to forward this contest to your friends and family!!!!

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