Monday, March 1, 2010


Hello!!!!!!!! I started my day blowing bubbles and watching my little ones scramble across the room trying to catch them. What a wonderful start to a wonderful day! Imagine what a marvel bubbles are to a one year old. I hope to share in that marvel forever. I absolutely loooooooove being astonished by life :-)

Speaking of being astonished, I want to share this video about natural healing from  Dr. Thomas Lodi. Dr. Lodi confonts an audience of his peers and presents a 'cure' for disease: STOP CREATING IT!!!! I wish this could be shared with every doctor (or person in general) on the planet. I hope that you find this video to be enlightening enough to pass it on to everyone you know. If  you can't access the video through this email, you can view it HERE!

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