Monday, April 5, 2010

Seasonal Energies...

Glorious Greeeeeeetings!!!!!!!! The sun is shinning, the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and the bees are playing hide and seek! What a marvelous time Spring is. On the Spring Equinox, I received my Reiki Master attumement and I have to say that I have yet to flutter back to earth. I have never felt such an incredible amount of energy coursing through me. While receiving the attunement, I had a vision of a rope with a knot in it hanging from the sky and suddenly the knot fell loose. As soon as the knot came undone, so did I! I felt as if every ounce of pain, hurt, and saddness was being purged from the core of my being. I wanted to curl up in a ball in the middle of the floor and sleep. But after the experience, I felt a sense of clarifacation and connection that is quite hard to put into words. Talk about SPRING CLEANING!

10 Tid Bits of springtime FUN!!!!

  1. Take a nap outdoors.

  2. Pick flowers with your children (or someone else's!).

  3. Paint in the sun.

  4. Welcome the ducks home by giving them a feast. (My kids LOVE this!)

  5. Enjoy a spring cleaning juice fast for a day (or two...or three...or four...). 

  6. Do sun salutations facing the rising sun.

  7. Meditate while facing the setting sun.

  8. Go swinging in the park. (the older you get, the more hilarious this becomes!)

  9. Trampoline anyone????

  10. Take your favorite musical instrument outdoors and give a concert to the elements.
Honor nature in all of her bountiful beauty. Appreciate her nourishing spirit that resides within us all.


Friday, March 26, 2010


"There is no such thing as a bad day. There are only days when our perception is off balance."
I sometimes like to remind myself of that when things seem to be going 'less than optimal'- you know those days when everything that could possibly go wrong does and you find yourself in a such a frenzy that you begin to create negative experiences with your own flustered energies. When that happens, try to make a conscious shift in your perception and try to see the good in everything that happens. Did you just lose your cell phone that is still on silent from the meeting you were in yesterday? You spend 15-20 min trying to find it and when you do, it is lying next to your one of your favorite turquoise earrings that you thought you lost in the supermarket over a month ago! Are you angry that you are now late for work or happy to find your cherished jewel? Is your glass half empty or half full??? Maintaining a conscious approach to how we perceive things makes every experience a little better.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

no more organics???

I received this letter in my inbox today from Jinjee Talifero of and I found it to be quite alarming....

"I usually don't mix my occasional activism with this newsletter as I like to keep things positive in here - but this issue seems like it could use as much help as we can give it...I'm not abreast of the seriousness of this issue -- I haven't done the research myself...but I don't think it could hurt to let our voices count for organics and against GMOs! According to this report, legislation is taking place to further support GMO farmers and allow them to contaminate organic crops with their genetically modified strains, which happens through cross-pollenation as the wind carries their GMO pollen to nearby organic farms...essentially turning that organic produce into GMO produce also...So, by signing this online petition you can send a message to help keep our food organic! We only have til Wednesday at 5:00 to get this signed."

I hope that you all will sign this petition. I don't knowabout you, but I believe that we should have the option of purchasing uncontaminated food. To sign the petition, CLICK HERE!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

'wee' reiki...

After lunch I peeped in on my little ones (who were supposed to be napping!) and watched as my four year old 'gave reiki' to my one year old. She hasn't actually been attuned to reiki, but it was such a beautiful sight. She was very attentive to her sister and I couldn't help but giggle as she said, "Stop moving Zoe. I'm trying to give you reiki!" Wee people are so amusing and VERY impressionable.

I found a nifty chakra printout online at that some of you may find interesting. It goes beyond the traditional 7 chakras and introduces the chakras that extend our crown and rooted beneath our base. I also found it very interesting that the heart chakra was broken into three seperate energy centers. You can access the handout HERE. I personally love the enitre Rainbow Medicine Circle website. They offer all kinds of unique goodies. 


Hello!!!!!!!! I started my day blowing bubbles and watching my little ones scramble across the room trying to catch them. What a wonderful start to a wonderful day! Imagine what a marvel bubbles are to a one year old. I hope to share in that marvel forever. I absolutely loooooooove being astonished by life :-)

Speaking of being astonished, I want to share this video about natural healing from  Dr. Thomas Lodi. Dr. Lodi confonts an audience of his peers and presents a 'cure' for disease: STOP CREATING IT!!!! I wish this could be shared with every doctor (or person in general) on the planet. I hope that you find this video to be enlightening enough to pass it on to everyone you know. If  you can't access the video through this email, you can view it HERE!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Glorious Greeeeetings to you all!!!!!! I've missed you all dearly, and appreciate the ?????? emails. It feels good to be missed as well. Those who know me, are used to my 'mini vacations'. Sometimes I like to stop the calls and visitations and just be present with myself. It's either that or I like to slack off every now and again. I'm still sorting that whole issue! Giggles! :-)

Well....on to greater things. A few months back I told you all about W.I.S.H: Women's International Summit for Health and now the time has come!!!!! I'm blissfully excited. Starting March 8th, for ten days, those who register will be able to access talks from some of the worlds most inspirational speakers on topics such as sensuality, spirituality, relationships, money, food, health, and plenty more. The best part of all is that it's all FREE! If you would like to see a full list of the speakers and topics covered as well as register hop on over HERE!

And speaking of great things...Eldon Taylor (the innertalk master mind) has just released a new book titled What Does That Mean? This book is totally mind altering. It assists you in remembering who you really are and places you firmly back on the path to personal enlightenment. Currently, they are offering TONS of free yummies to those who grab a copy of this marvelous book, including the entire set of Innertalk Success and Empowerment package. There are sooooo many gifts from soooooo many beautiful people that you may want to get the book for the freebies alone. If you're interested, mosey on over HERE!

Have a most blisfully lived day!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Self Deception....

Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeetings wonderful light beings!!! About a week or so ago, I had a fantastically profound dream that I wish to share with you in hopes that it will shed some light onto your life as it did for me....

I was walking through a wooded area searching for a home when I spotted the most beautiful set of town houses. As I approached the building, I spotted a sign that read, 'office'. I started toward the door when I noticed a boa constrictor of an exaggerated size. Horrified, I turned away from the building and continued in the direction from whence I came. A few steps away, I was stopped dead in my tracks by a coiled up rattle snake. It raised it's head and began to rise upward. Then, it struck at me, barely missing. So I decided that I'd take my chances with the boa constrictor and went inside of the office building. Inside was a friendly lady who apologized about the snake (it was her pet.) and talked to me about getting set up in a town house. She said that there wasn't really an opening, but if I sent reiki to the situation, maybe something would work out. The she held a rodent in her hand and threw it to the floor where it transformed into a irresistably beautiful white kitten. She told me that I could have it and I picked it up and cuddled it, then the dream was over.

Upon waking, I pondered my dream for awhile because it 'felt' like an important message and indeed it was....If you're familiar with Kundalini energy, you know that it is symbolized by a coiled snake rising upwards. Being bitten by the 'Kundalini snake ' is likened to self realization. The important part of my dream is that I was almost bitten, but turned away from my self realization and took what seemed to be the 'easier' or 'safer' route. But when I did, I was deceived. Not by the woman, but by myself. I convinced myself that this was where I was supposed to be. I even allowed myself to believe that a rodent was a beautiful kitten!

How many of you deceive yourselves everyday? Do you really love your job or do you accept it because you feel you can't do any better? Is your relationship what you've dreamed it to be, or is it one big misery, that you convince yourself is worth the struggle because you have bills to pay and besides, "what would the neighbors think"? In his book, 'Personal Development for Smart People', Steve Pavlina suggests that we conduct a 'self assesment'. He lists the main areas of human life and has you to rate them from 1-10. I invite you to do to this, you'll be suprised at your results. Below is the list from the book. Give each area of your life a score that reflects how you feel about that particular area of your life.

Health & Daily routine
Career & Work
Money & Finances
Health & Fitness
Mental Development & Education
Socail Life and Relationships
Home & Family
Character & Integrity
Life Purpose & Contribution
Spiritual Development

After rating every area, Pavlina then instructs us to take every number that isn't a nine or ten and replace it with a one. "Why?" you may ask. But the truth is, a 7 or 8 is just your way of saying, "It's not what I want, but..." That's self deception! Stop deceiving yourself. Love yourself enough to take the raod less traveled and know that no matter what happens, the Universe loves you and you'll be okay! Don't turn your back on your TRUE destiny, you know, the one YOU design and no one else!!!!!

Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina is a marvelous book. Visit for tons of articles to inspire your life.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Self-love and self-care are a 'delicious cycle'. The more self-love we discover, the better we want to take care of ourselves; and the more we care for ourselves, the more self-love we will uncover in the process."
-Asante George from Living our Bliss

I absolutely cherish this book. It's like my pocket-guide to health and happiness!!!!

And speaking of Health and Happiness....I wanted to remind everyone that there are still 2 days left to enter this months contest for a chane to win an amazing 'self-help' goody bag!!!! This goody bag contains books, some yummy 'spirit foods', a beautiful mala, and a meditation guide! To enter, simply send an email to me telling me about the changes you wish to see in 2010. Any changes you wish whether they be personal or global. Send your entries to by Jan 31st. I will choose a winner from my heart. Good Luck!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The nature of change...

“If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.”

 Dan Millman from Way of the Peaceful Warrior

I often wonder if change is supposed to be a 'natural' fear for us. It doesn't seem that it should be because change is the Universal language. Night becomes Day, Winter becomes Spring, Life becomes Death. We see change everywhere around us everyday, yet we are sooooo afraid of embracing it. We get so stuck in our awful routines that we lose our sense of wonder and curiosity. Where's the spontaneity? Where's the passion? Where's the growth? Where's the change? I believe that we all could live more fulfilling lives if we made change a part of our daily regime. So I give you a new *Mission of the Week*....

Make a slight change to your life everyday. Even if you just take the scenic route to work while enjoying your favorite music, switch it up a bit. Renew you lust for life by embracing change and accepting it as a part of the natural flow of things.

I am currently reading Living Our Bliss by the beautiful sun goddess Asante George. For all of you who have ever thought raw foods where too complicated......pleeeeeeease read this book. She gives raw food a much more simple, natural, and gentle approach while still managing to let you know exactly how everything works. Not only does this book include nutrition information, but she includes some unique yuuuuuuumy recipes as well as much needed detox tips. There's also a 'resources' section that provides you with links and other fabulous books to further aid you on your RAW journey.
Living Our Bliss could be the beginning of a beautiful transformation in your life. You'd be astonished at the changes that eating (at least 50%) raw could bring into your life. It's so much more than nutrition.

Ooooooooooodles of LOVE,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I am that I am.....

I am woman. I am proud. I am humble. I am grateful.
I am selfish at times, but I give of myself freely.
I am a warrior, though I am as delicate as a rose armored with dew.
I am brown and a bit overweight. I am beautiful. I am a goddess.
I am a Dryad and a Diva at once.
I am a wolf, fierce and strong.
I am an owl, wise and ever knowing.
I am an elephant, ancient and sacred.
I am a mother. I am the Mother.
I am a reflection of you as you are a refection of me.
I am love, ever giving.
I am that I am. Who are You?

The year has just begun, yet so many shifts seem to be taking place. I feel it in my bones, the very structure of my being. Get ready for some major changes in your lives. Greet these changes with love and open arms and know that you are taken care of in every moment!!!

Who would like a chance to win a 'goody bag' filled with things to inspire your life! This goody bag contains books, some yummy 'spirit foods', a beautiful mala, and a meditation guide! For your chance to win, send an email to me telling me about the changes you wish to see in 2010. Any changes you wish whether they be personal or global. Send your entries to by Jan 31st. I will choose a winner from my heart.

(PS) Feel free to forward this contest to your friends and family!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tera's Attitude Adjustment....

How do you look at your life? When you consider the things that happen in a day, a week, a year, how do you view your role in it all?

Do you view yourself as the passive participant in the soap opera of life, or are you the clever creator of all that happens to you?

When you wake up in the morning, are you ready and rarin’ to take on the day, or dreading the never-ending to do list?

When you walk in the street and look out at other people, what kind of thoughts are you thinking?

What about when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you critical and judgmental, or compassionate and kind? What about in your relationships and professional life? When things aren’t going well, do you point the finger, or ask yourself what more you can take responsibility for?

Do you hear yourself making a lot of excuses or apologies?

Do you validate the things that go right or feel focused on where things are troubled and difficult?

We talk a lot about the things we have to get done in a day, but criticism is bad for your liver and anger makes your armpits stink! Grumpiness puts ugly wrinkles all over your forehead and face, too! There is nothing beautiful, attractive or remotely empowering about being a GRUMP or a complainer. So let’s make this the year of good vibrations, baby!! Out with the crust, lift up your bust and show the world how beautiful life is!!

Understand that crabby people don’t feel good about themselves or they wouldn’t be crabby in the first place. Rather than bitch and complain about what other people do wrong, do it right. Rather than tell other people they’ve pissed you off, tell them how much you appreciate something they did.

When you feel like everything is wrong, find the one thing that is right about it all, and things will all turn around. Life is as positive and as pleasurable as you are able to wrap your attitude around your experiences. Reach out, stretch your heart wide open and make enough room to love one more person. Then make enough room to love them all and watch how doing so makes loving yourself a whole lot easier. You can do it, Sunshine. You can make this your best year EVER. I know you can and I’m rooting for you until my pom-poms fall apart!

I love Tera! She's so wise and she makes my funny bones sing. If you want to read her entire post, you can find it HERE!!!