Friday, October 30, 2009

and the winner is.....

Oh only one day until I'm dancing by a fire under the moonlight!!! I am super stoked to be celebrating Samhain tomorrow! I am also really excited to announce the winner of our Raw Emotions contest. First I would like to say thankyou to all the yumsters that participated. You guys are the best!!!!!! And our big winner izzzzz.......Soulstar!!!!! Here is the yummy recipe Soulstar contributed:

Spinach Marsala

Spinach Base

3 Cups Spinach mixed with the following;
1/2 C currants or raisins
1 C diced pineapple or mango
2-4 chopped Scallions depending on taste
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp Raw oil of choice
dash of cayenne to taste
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Cilantro
2 Cups Cashews or Macadamias
2 Tablespoons soaked raisins
1 tsp or more of salt to taste
2 tsp fresh ginger
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Blend until creamy and mix with the Spinach Base

I had this for dinner about a week ago. When I first read the recipe, it seemed quite strange to me, but I'll try almost anything once, so I gave it a try and it was absolutely delectable! Thanks for sharing!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I missed you....

Greeeeetings!!! It's been four loooong days since you last heard from me, but no worries....I'm back! And of course, I have more info on the coolest freebies EVER! Shazzie has just released a brand new e-book, Shazzie Wispers, and is offering it for FREE!!! To get on this amazing book of 100 bits of wizdom and self love techniques Click Here! There's one bit in the book that tells you to write a letter to your future self, put it in a safe place, and read it ten years from now. I thought that idea was neat, but I decided to write a letter to my future self and open it one year from now at Samhain. This will be a sort of life or spiritual growth ritual for me to honor myself and my journey. Like an extra birthday!!!!! Join me if you will. Write yourself a letter and predetermine when you'll open it. Make a special ritual to honor your growth. You could even do it monthly and make a day every month that you dedicate to honoring and pampering yourself! Making up holidays is such fun!!!! 


Our contest is nearing it's end!!! I'm so excited! Someone very luck is going to win a signed copy of Raw Emotions by Angela Stokes-Monarch. If you haven't entered, you still have two days remaining. All you need to do is send me your favorite raw or vegan recipe and voila....your entry is complete! Good Luck!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Essenes.....

Ni-Hao!!!! Today I watched a trailor for a movie that's currently being produced by Storm & Jinjee Talifero titled Jesus the Healer. This film is based on the 'lost' teachings of Jesus called the Essene Gospels of Peace. The Essene Gospels of Peace are a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls that were found in a Vatican vault and later translated into english. The Essene books will completely change your perspective on Christ and his teachings. They are filled with love and compassion for humanity and teachings on how to attain great health and spirituality. This movie encompasses those teachings. Everyone looking to deepen their spirituality can benefit from these teachings, regardless of their faith. Storm himself isn't Christian, but he values these teachings and their principles so much that he wants to share them with the world. This film will most likely cause some controversy, as these teachings aren't readily accepted by some, but I'm glad that visionaries like Storm and Jinjee are helping to shake things up and bring a bit more light and knowledge to the world!!!  To get a look at the trailer Click Here! You can also read all of the Essene teachings online for free Here!

....Speaking of beautiful religious texts, someone a link in a comments box for the Bhagavad Gita post and I only recently caught eye of it. This beautiful version has the original sanskrit literature alongside the english translation. It is also free to read online Here!

Oooooodles of love to you all!!!!!! XOXOXOXO -Nateah

Thursday, October 22, 2009

any suggestions???

Greetings!!! I am sooo excited to announce that I will be headed to the west coast for the holidays! I'm going to L.A. I've never been to California and I'm ecstatic to see what wonders the city holds. While I'm there, I'm hoping to be able to visit some raw restaurants, spiritual centers, yoga classes, and other things to occupy my time in a lovely manner. If you have any suggestions, it'd be such a blissing if you'd share them with me.

*Mission of the Week*
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." -Mark Twain

Let's remember to Love one another unconditionally. In that way, you will learn to Love yourself unconditionally as well. Once we've erased the illusion of imperfection, we can see one another for the truly perfect and radiant beings that we are!!!! Spread LOVE as if it were a contagious disease!


Only one week left to send in your entry for a chance to win a copy of Raw Emotions by Angela Stokes-Monarch. You guys have sent in some pretty fantastic recipes! I've tried some of them and they've been great! A few had some 'impossible to find' ingredients (even for me!!!), but sounded yummy anyhow! To get in on your chance to win, send me an email to and share your favorite raw or vegan recipe. Good Luck to you all!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ecstatic Things....

Helllllooooo...Today is a brilliantly marvelous day! So much beautiful sunshine. It's lovely to have a day or two when the warmth comes back to play!

Yesterday I ordered a copy of  Ecstatic Beings by Shazzie and Kate Magic. I've been waiting on this book to be released for quite some time and I'm delighted that it's finally available! Ecstatic Beings is a revolutionary book for the new kidz!!! It features segments like Reiki is for Rockstars, The Butterfly & The Ego, Urine for a Treat, Mahogany Monogamy Monotony Monopoly, The Shellsuit Liberation Front, Kundalini Yoga gave me Cheekbones, and more including poems, recipes, puzzles, quizzes, and cut-out & keeps. I haven't read this yet, but Shazzie and Kate are such ambient beings that I know this book will bliss me with alternative knowledge and a few giggles as well!!! Check out this revolutionary book by Clicking Here!!!

Speaking of ecstatic things.....I've been using the Etherium powders for a while and have become completely AMAZED at the shift in my entire consciousness. While I'm sure that the Etheriums didn't 'enlighten' me. I've definately notice the elevation of my energy vibration since taking them. If you're not familiar with the Etherium powders, they are naturally occurring monotomic minerals that are safe for human consumption. They each are unique and affect not only the physical, but the esoteric body and mind as well. There are four different etheriums and I LOVE them all!!!

Etherium Gold affects the crown and the third eye chakras. It balances the right and left sides of the brain by increasing both theta and beta waves allowing one to become open to a 'whole brained' experience. It is also said to raise human consciousness. When taking Etherium Gold, one can experience more creativity, deeper states of meditation, and a deeper connection to the One Mind. This mineral is known as 'The Enlightener'.

Etherium Pink helps us to heal and balance our emotions and connections with those around us by enhancing the flow of energy into our heart chakra. When taking Etherium Pink, one can experience an increase of compassion for oneself and others as well as an enhanced ‘telepathic connections. Etherium Pink is known as ‘The Harmonizer’.

Etherium Red helps stimulate Kundalini energy. If you’re not familiar with Kundalini, it is divine cosmic energy that lies dormant in the root chakra until it is aroused and rises through the entire chakra system to Sahasrara (the crown chakra). Once the energy reaches that point, one experiences a Kundalini ‘awakening’ or unity with Divine Consciousness. Etherium Red assists in removing emotional blockages while cleansing and empowering the chakra system by stimulating and increasing Kundalini energy. When taking this mineral, one may experience a more grounded/balanced state of being,, improved communication skills and greater spiritual awakening. Etherium Red is known as ‘The Integrator’.

Etherium Black is an adaptogen and helps release negative energy in the physical and spiritual body. It removes anything that is not in harmony with the higher good of the individual, or not in harmony with the energy of the spirit of the individual. This element is extremely useful. Negative energy takes up valuable space in our beings that could be occupied by love and light! We often carry around negative energy that isn’t even our own. When taking this mineral, one can feel more physically vital and spiritually pure. Etherium Black is known as ‘The Purifier’

If you'd like to know more about these ancient minerals Click Here!

  *Mission of the Week*
Do I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you? I think it's both!!! Have you been sharing the LOVE????? If so, kudos! If not, what are you waiting for? A little compassion can go a loooong way! XOXOXOXO -Nateah

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Conscious Army!!!

Greetings to you all!!!! I got this beautiful video in my inbox today. It's titled "The Conscious Army: Love is the new religion." It filled my heart with joy until it was 'overglowing'! Won't you join this army of Peaceful Warriors? All that's required is LOVE!!!! Let's attune ourselves to love's frequency and send our vibrations to the darkest of places. Drop bombs of LOVE wherever you go and see the change you're able to create!!! You can CLICK HERE to see this wonderfully inspiring video or you can watch it in 'mini' form below!!!

"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love."  -Mahatma Gandhi

Your *Mission of the Week* is to consciously spread love wherever you go. Did someone just cut you off on the freeway??? Say I love you instead of filling your tongue with 'you know whats'! Be the change and allow the change to nourish you in the meanwhile!!! I LOVE you unconditionally!!!! Namaste.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I just finished listening to the most AMAZING interview with Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Spiritual Nutrition and founder of the Tree of Life Spiritual Retreat Center and Matt Monarch on the Raw Food World Radio broadcast!!!!! This talk was deeply inspiring. It was mainly an 'esoteric talk' and discussed how raw and 'living' foods deepens spirituality. Some of the topics discussed were awakening Kundalini, Shaktipat, astral projection, lucid dreaming, seeing energy, and soooooo many other wonderful things! This chat will be available for listening online for FREE until tomorrow October 18th at midnight (pacific time!). Pleeeeeaaaaase DO NOT MISS THIS!!! To get in on this astounding chat CLICK HERE!!! If you would like to learn more about Dr. Gabriel Cousens and his marvelous retreat center visit Listen to the interview and tell me what you think!!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ni-hao!!!! Today I feel absolutely LOVELY! It's day three of my Diva Detox (which is turning out to be just a detox as I've made it my own!) and I'm feeling all sparkly inside. Yesterday I cheated a bit (although it was quite by accident!). I unconsciously ate a bite (or two or three!) of Zaria's vegetable rigatoni. It was so tempting to fix "just a small plate". But I didn't. (yay me!!!) I did however notice the difference in my body after eating those few bites. My tummy felt rather heavy and I had a hard time getting to sleep. But my body still feels AMAZING!

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. -Alan Alda

Trust your Self to make more decisions in life and you'll be surprised at the blissings that'll begin to unfold. As a whole, we've been conditioned to think that it's better to 'fulfill obligations' and trust our 'common sense' as opposed to fulfilling the desires of our hearts and trusting our intuition or our god-selves. Take a moment to embrace the thought that you are Divine nobility with Divine consciousness If you make this your reality, life will surely be a blissful experience every step of the way.

Imagine if you can, what it would be like if your heart began to beat with cosmic rhythm. Most people's hearts don't even beat with human rhythm...But there will come a time when the human being is raised to his full powers, he will be divine, his human consciousness will have fallen away...Man will be free. Once he becomes the god which he is, he will have realized his destiny-which is freedom...You are to liberate yourself!" -Ramtha

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What the *Bleep*?

Aloha....This morning for some reason I felt pretty lethargic (still do!). Maybe it's the rain. Anyhow, I didn't feel like doing anything so I popped What the 'Bleep' Do We Know!? into the DVD player. This film is an interesting take on Quantum Physics, spirituality, neurology and evolutionary thought. I've had this movie for about a year now and today was the first day, I've actually completed it in it's entirety. (not that it's boring, that's just the effect television has on me.)  Everyone should have the pleasure of watching this mind altering DVD. It will change the way you view reality and inspire you to create a reality all your own. You can find out more about htis groundbreaking film by clicking here! 

Okay, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?  -Unknown


I've received some yummy recipes this week. Send your recipe to if you'd like a chance to win a copy of Angela Stoke's Raw Emotions . But only one entry per person please!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Helloooo....Today is the 1st actual day of my Diva Detox. I'm really excited! If any of you would like to join in with me...Let's Do It!!!! The detox guide is completely FREE! All you have to do is pay a quick visit to the raw diva, Tera and sign up! You can find all the information you need here! I've been water fasting since 6pm yesterday and I will break my fast at 6pm this evening when I will enjoy a delectible monomeal of fruit. This seemed like the perfect time to undergo a cleanse. As the Earth makes Her wonderous transformation into Fall, I feel the urge to make that change within. If any of you sign up fpr the detox, keep me updated. I LOVE to hear beautiful stories of transformation :-)

“Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal, and transformation in our lives.”  -?


The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw)The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bhagavad Gita....

"Be fearless and pure; never waver in your determination or your dedication to the spiritual life. Give freely. Be self-controlled, sincere, truthful, loving, and full of the desire to serve...Learn to be detached and to take joy in renunciation. Do not get angry or harm any living creature, but be compassionate and gentle; show good will to all. Cultivate vigor, patience, will, purity; avoid malice and pride. Then, you will achieve your destiny."  -Krishna from The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is such an inspiring spiritual book. Anyone from any walk of life can appreciate it's wisdom on self realization, spiritual power, and God connection. You can read the entire manuscript online here. You can pick any chapter, any page and you'll find something deeply moving to inspire your spirituality.

I LOVE each and every one of you and hope that today brings you all something miraculous!!!! XOXOXOX

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Alpha Day!!!

Want to create heaven on earth? Begin today by scheduling an "Alpha Day" for yourself. An "Alpha Day" means you spend the whole day doing 100% what you want in every moment.......No distractions, no work, nothing except the things that bring you the most joy and pleasure in every moment....Commit to spending one day a week like this and see what happens.....

This is a snippet from The Daily Raw Inspiration Newsletter I receive from Jinjee Talifero. I think it's an AMAZING idea! I think my "Alpha Day" will be every Monday. Mondays always seem to be such a dreadful day. So I'll commit to making every Monday special for myself! What day will be your "Alpha Day"?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The FLU :(

Sorry there was no post yesterday :( Somehow, my eight month old and three year old both contracted the H1N1 virus. I know it sounds scary, but let me tell you about how AMAZING their little bodies are. Zoe, my eight month old must have had it first. She ran a fever for about two days (which is one of the  ways the body gets rid of 'impurities'). She rested, I gave her reiki, green juice, coconut water, and love and now....the flu is gone! My three year old Zaria's body completely rejected the virus. She ran a fever for about a day and vomitted once (her body's way of getting the toxic virus out of her system). After that her fever spiked for a few more hours and then.....the flu was gone! I took them both to pediatrician yesterday and the doctors were amazed at how well their little bodies were handling the virus. Now they're immune! They didn't need a poisonous vaccination shot. I wanted to mention this simply because many people choose to infuse themselves with vaccinations that have all sorts of toxic ingredients when it's really unneccessary if we take care of our bodies the way that we should. It doesn't mean that we'll never become ill. But when we do, our bodies can function in the way that they're supposed to.

*mission of the week*

I hope you guys have been moooving. Don't forget that this week we are expressing ourselves through tantric motion. I've been doing yoga every morning and am definately noticing the effects, particularly in my mood and my capacity for the 'not so cool' things like cleaning, laundry, bills, and other monotonous 'adult' responsibilities. I have more energy as well. This morning as I came into my practice, I bgan to really 'feel myself'. In every pose, I would take a moment to notice what my body felt like in that particular moment. I allowed my mind to become intricately intimate with my body and realized that I have reached a new level of my practice. It didn't seem to be just a series of postures or a few moments of relaxation anymore. It was a time of inner reflection and a chance to deepen my relationship with me. I hope that you all find a way to keep your energy flowing and connect with your bodies!

On to other things! Angela Stokes-Monarch from The Raw Food World and is giving everyone a chance to win a BlendTec blender!!! I know, it's just a blender right??? NOT! This blender is a powerhouse and a must for raw foodies or those wishing to experiment with raw foods and is worth $399! For your chance to own this beautiful peice of machinery, simply send Angela a video no more than 3 minutes in length explaining WHY you'd love to win the Blendtec blender. She also LOVES a good laugh so if you feel led to add a stand up comedy act feel free! Send your emails with the video or a link to the video to

*We Musn't Forget Our Contest*

The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Embrace your Yin....

Today I want to take a moment to celebrate the Divine femeninity that resides within us and encourage you all to embrace your inner goddess. (yes fellas, you too!) We are all nurturers, lovers and healers. If you are having trouble expressing or experiencing these attributes, maybe your yin (feminine energy) is out of balance. To embrace this aspect of yourself more fully, try to appreciate the Divine Female Spirit of the Earth (Mother Nature) more, consciously take notice of Her abundant love for you and love her in return. If we love our Mother, we can heal our Mother. If we can heal our Mother, we can heal ourselves. It's all a perfect web of balance.
*After the Rain*

On October 17th, my dear friend Angie from Awakened Reiki Yoga presents, After the Rain, a workshop to to celebrate women and life. This workshop is to celebrate life after pregnancy loss. Enjoy uplifting self-healing exercises, share your stories, receive reiki, meet other women and celebrate the goodness that change has brought to your life. Empower yourself to start again and feel the love and healing energies in a sacred space. For more information on this workshop or any other offerings from Awakend Reiki Yoga click here!

I have another freebie for you guys today! Tera from The Raw Diva is giving away a FREE 7 day detox program for women (men are welcome to join in too!). This detox guide includes a 5 day preparation guide and then the detox program itself. Emails are sent to your inbox daily to instruct you on what to do for that particular day of the detox. I just signed up yesterday. If any of you would like to join me, just hop on over to and begin your cleanse today!

The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw)The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tantric Motion....

Shiny bright is your light today? Mine is blinding and I'm loving it! I woke up this morning and did a bit of yoga (one of my New Season's Resolutions!) and am feeling nice and cozy inside. I sometimes forget how important it is to keep the energy in my body flowing! Our bodies are designed to MOVE!!! Keeping in touch with our bodies through motion helps keep us connected and grounded. Praticing motion as a spiritual experience can be quite euphoric. Yoga, dancing, walking in nature, and making love are all wonderful examples of tantric motion. So your *mission of the week* is to GET MOVING! Find something to do that makes you happy and do it! Do it consciously and appreciate the experience.

*something yummy for your tummy*

You guys have been sending in some pretty amazing recipes. Most of them have been juices and smoothies. I've tried a few. This one I looooove. It came from the juicy goddess Mauri.

1 head romaine
1 head spinach
1 head celery
1 head kale
1 pineapple

Juice all ingredients and voila! You have a drink that will make you glow all day long!!!!!!!!! Drink it immediately because the pineapple will eat away at your glorious greens.


The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Season's Resolution....

Hellloooo out there! Today, I began to do a bit of  'Spring Cleaning' (yeah I know it's Fall!). I love it when the seasons change. I always make a New Season's Resolution. I love to create change in my life!!!! I invite all of you to create a list of New Season's Resolutions. Who says you have to wait until New Years? Be the change and begin today!!!!
You guys are in for a real treat!!! David Wolfe, owner of and recently release an amazing program called Longevity NOW! In this program he offers guidance on how to lose weight, boost your immune system, reverse aging, increaseyou income gain a sense of clarity, and a deeper connection to your body all by choosing the proper foods! This program is AMAZING! If you're interested in obtaining more information about the program Click Here! If you try the program, he's offering some yummy freebies which include...

Free 30-Day Access to
$18,000 Tonic Tea Demonstration Video
Smoothie Demonstration with Frank Kern
Detoxification Through Yoga: Video Series
Your Body's Secret Language (And How to Make it Say "YES!" to Weight Loss
Longevity How to Remember Names Memory Power Video
Advanced Longevity Techniques: Ormus Gold Video
Secrets to Growing Thick Beautiful Hair Audio Report
UNADVERTISED NEW BONUS: David in Eden Hot Springs

Don't miss out!!! The information in this program can heal your life!!!


The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Celestial Connections...

Hellloooo.....Your Fairy Godmother has arrived! What is it that your heart desires? Money? Power? Respect? Well...I can't give you any of those things, but I can give you love that is unconditional and a sprinkle of fairy dust to make you sparkly!

Yesterday I met with some of the most amazing women I've ever encountered! We discussed the opening of Celestial Connections, a spiritual center, here in Knoxville, TN. This center will offer metaphysical merchadise as well as classes & workshops, spirit readings, reiki, healing circles, and soooo much more! We're still looking for a couple more radiant beings to join our cooperative. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, send me an email at

*Something Yummy for your Tummy*

Elarael from shared this recipe with me and I want to share it with you!!! I haven't tried it, but I absolutely love Merlin's Elixir and coconut water so it must be truly delectable and cleansing!

In one quart of fresh coconut water add a Tbls. of Merlin's Elixer, a Tbls. of lecithin in whatever gmo-free form you have, and a Tbls. of digestive enzymes. Shake it all up and drink for breakfast. Intense but a great way to start the day. Enjoy!


The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


In light of our theme of Spiritual Nutrition this month, I would like to notify everyone that for the first time ever, Pear Magazine Online is offering their August issue for free!!!! Pear Magazine is an online publication from Jinjee Talifero at that is dedicated to health and inner awareness. This free issue of Pear Magazine Online is the Awakening The Goddess Within issue with the interview with Jinjee's Mom, her review of Anastasia the Raw Russian Recluse, her usual "Ask Jinjee" column, reviews of raw vegan yogi's DVDs, How to Light up the World with Love, and much more! To enjoy this free issue of Pear Magazine, Click Here! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!!!


The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sweet Simplicity...

Greetings to you all!!!! I am in such a blissful state this morning. There's so much to be grateful for. I was reading Anastasia by Vladimir Megre (for the third time!) and as I was reading, I got to thinking about how we overcomplicate our lives. It’s an easy thing for us to do because we are such complex creatures. However, we weren’t designed to be this way. We were designed to run free, to care for one another and our planet. We were designed to be ambient beings of light and love. As long as we are bound by the complexities of our commercial environment, we can’t be the wild and divine creatures nature intended for us to be. We need to get back to the basics and aspire to fulfill our natural desires instead of our superficial ones. Everyone should read Anastasia. It's book one in the Ringing Cedar series. The entire series is amazing!

*mission of the week*

Today we move into the final chakra, the Crown chakra. The Sahasrara, or crown chakra, exists beyond all realms of creation. It connects us and all of our energy to the Infinite power of the Universe. In this chakra we are made conscious of the One Mind and are able to obtain higher states of consciousness. Keeping this chakra balanced is vital. If the chakra is closed or stagnant, one becomes disconnected from spirituality. If the chakra is overactive, one becomes disconnected from reality and may suffer with insanity. It is important that we remain connected with the Divine and keep ourselves grounded so that we are able to function in the physical realm of existence.

Meaning: ‘Lotus of a thousand petals’ (infinite)

Location: Crown

Color: Violet or White

Element: Beyond the Elements

Functionality: connection with the One Mind/ Universal consciousness

Signs of dysfunction: Confusion, cynicism, extreme mental disorders, insanity, domination, migraines, sensitivity to light or sound.

Mantra: OM (in keynote B)

Bringing the Sahasrara chakra into balance is a journey and not a technique. It is the path of the light worker to take that journey and achieve awareness. Meditation is the most important tool to aid you in bringing your crown chakra into balance. Fasting and cleansing regularly will give you great clarity and help to open and balance Sahasrara. Always remember to walk in Divine love and light.


The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th. (I'll be someplace in the woods on the 31st! Samhain is my FAVORITE holiday!!!!)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spiritual Nutrition...

Hellooooo!!!! It’s October 1st and it’s already beginning to get cool here in Tennessee. I love the beginning of Autumn. It’s a time of transformation. The air turns crisp and cool, the leaves begin to change, and of course Samhain (Halloween), is just around the corner!!! I’m blessed to live in a place where I can noticeably watch the cycles of the seasons and take in their beauty.

Of course with the Fall rolling in, people are lining up for the flu shot :(  It’s so saddening to see that everyone would much rather inject themselves with toxic vaccinations instead of taking care of their bodies to maintain their health. So this month I’ve decided to take a look at our connections with food and how we can heal our Mind, Body, and Spirit by making better food choices.

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” –Hippocrates

What we do to our bodies effects not only our physical being, but our spiritual being as well. One thing we often forget is that Mind, Body, and Spirit are intimately connected. We are living beings and in turn, need living nutrition. There is life force energy in all things and when we ingest our food, we ingest the energy of what we’re eating. What is the energy in your food like? Is it filled with nourishing love from Mother Nature? As spiritual beings, we should remain conscious about what we choose for ourselves and that includes our food. We should try to be reverent to the Earth and all of her inhabitants.


I promised everyone that we would have a yummy contest and here it is! The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :)

Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw) I will share some of the recipes by posting one day here on the blog. If you would not like your recipe to be shared, please specify so in your email. The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th. (I'll be someplace in the woods on the 31st! Samhain is my FAVORITE holiday!!!!)

Let’s take a step toward greatness and fill our bodies with light and vitality!

*mission of the week*
In our journey through the chakras, we are now up to the Ajna Chakra. The Ajna, or brow chakra, is often depicted as the third eye (an eye in the center of the forehead) which symbolizes sight into the unknown. This chakra governs our ability to perceive extrasensory information. It is our connection between the physical mind and the Spirit Mind.

Meaning: ‘Rule or command’

Location: Third eye/ Center of forehead

Color: Indigo

Element: Command center of elements

Functionality: intuition, use of intellect, psychic awareness, self awareness, pituitary gland, eyes, etc.

Signs of dysfunction: lack of imagination or intuition, hallucinations, nightmares, obsessive compulsive disorders, nerve issues, neurological disorders.

Mantra: KE-SHAM

The Ajna chakra is best balanced by doing things that bring awareness to Self such as journaling, yoga, visualization exercises, and meditation. While chanting Ke-Sham, close your eyes and imagine yourself being elevated into the cosmos. Imagine that you are surrounded by an indigo light. Let the light penetrate your entire being. Raise your vibration as the indigo energy helps you ascend into your crown chakra....

Hugs & Kisses to each of you!!!! XOXOXO