Thursday, October 8, 2009

Embrace your Yin....

Today I want to take a moment to celebrate the Divine femeninity that resides within us and encourage you all to embrace your inner goddess. (yes fellas, you too!) We are all nurturers, lovers and healers. If you are having trouble expressing or experiencing these attributes, maybe your yin (feminine energy) is out of balance. To embrace this aspect of yourself more fully, try to appreciate the Divine Female Spirit of the Earth (Mother Nature) more, consciously take notice of Her abundant love for you and love her in return. If we love our Mother, we can heal our Mother. If we can heal our Mother, we can heal ourselves. It's all a perfect web of balance.
*After the Rain*

On October 17th, my dear friend Angie from Awakened Reiki Yoga presents, After the Rain, a workshop to to celebrate women and life. This workshop is to celebrate life after pregnancy loss. Enjoy uplifting self-healing exercises, share your stories, receive reiki, meet other women and celebrate the goodness that change has brought to your life. Empower yourself to start again and feel the love and healing energies in a sacred space. For more information on this workshop or any other offerings from Awakend Reiki Yoga click here!

I have another freebie for you guys today! Tera from The Raw Diva is giving away a FREE 7 day detox program for women (men are welcome to join in too!). This detox guide includes a 5 day preparation guide and then the detox program itself. Emails are sent to your inbox daily to instruct you on what to do for that particular day of the detox. I just signed up yesterday. If any of you would like to join me, just hop on over to and begin your cleanse today!

The raw food angel Angela Stokes-Monarch from has agreed to give away a signed copy of her latest book Raw Emotions. Angela's story of how raw foods transformed her life is amazing and she travels the world sharing her story with those who are looking to improve their health and their lives through the beauty of raw foods. If you would like to read Angela's story Click Here!

Raw Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create WONDERFUL and LASTING CHANGE :) Combining proven 'self-help' techniques with a raw food lifestyle, this truly unique book includes a ‘Treasure Chest’ of 60 invaluable tools and action tips for engaging YOUR transformation.

To win your copy of Raw Emotions, all you have to do is send an email to me, Nateah, at, and share your favorite recipe. The recipe doesn’t have to include food, it can be an herbal remedy, a super smoothie, or anything you’d like as long as it’s vegan (preferably raw)The winner will be drawn at random on October 30th.

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